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Course description

During this advanced workshop, participants will delve into the practicalities of conducting advanced meta-analytic techniques suitable for synthesising data from animal studies, namely multi-level meta-analysis and individual animal analysis. Prior to attending this workshop, we recommend first-hand experience conducting meta-analysis of animal studies, as well as intermediate experience with R, see meta-analysis tutorial web-application for more information. 

Learning objectives

Participants will:

  • gain a solid understanding of the theoretical foundations of multi-level models, including the differences between clustered data, fixed effects, and random effects. 
  • learn to use R packages to implement multi-level models, interpret the output, and compare the results with naïve non-multi-level regression models. 
  • explore options for handling missing data in meta-analysis, including using multi-level models and multiple imputation techniques. 
  • be introduced to individual animal data (IAD) meta-analysis, learning both two-stage and single-stage analysis methods, with practical exercises using R.
  • delve into advanced methods for handling missing data in IAD situations, including multiple imputation and advanced models for data that are not missing at random (non-MAR).

Target audience

BIH, CHA, BUA, external, research fellows, PhDs, students - all scientists working with meta-analysis of animal data.

Participation requirements

Prior to attending this workshop, we recommend first-hand experience conducting meta-analysis of animal studies, as well as intermediate experience with R, see meta-analysis tutorial web-application for more information. 


Alexandra Bannach-Brown, PhD, BIH QUEST Center

Dr. Daniel Schulze, Institut für Biometrie und Klinische Epidemiologie


Date and time: 15.-16.07.2024, 09:30am - 5pm

Course language: English

Location: online 

ECTS: no

Certificates: yes

Registration: Please register here for the course.


Alexandra Bannach-Brown, PhD

Research fellow - CAMARADES

Contact information