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This year, the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH) once again took part in the nationwide Girls' Day. The interest was huge and the offers were fully booked in a very short time. More than 100 girls gained insights into the work of scientists in biomedicine in ten different workshops. More than 25 scientists from ten different BIH working groups prepared a three-hour program for the schoolgirls and showed them how diverse research is when it comes to identifying diseases, developing therapies and curing people. The activities ranged from laboratory work and insights into clinical studies to digital medicine and bioinformatics approaches in medicine. The students from grades 6 to 12 pipetted in the lab, visited a model of a heart from the inside, looked at brain models on the computer and practiced the basics of programming. They were able to find out what makes a good research question and how important good scientific practice is. The participants were enthusiastic about the exchange with technical assistants, PhD students and even professors. We would like to thank everyone involved for their commitment!

About the Girls' Day

Girls' Day takes place nationwide every spring and offers girls from the 5th grade onwards an insight into professions and courses of study in which women are rarely represented. On Girls' Day, companies and institutes from the fields of crafts, natural sciences and technology open their doors and present their fields of activity and female role models. BIH takes part in Girls' Day to introduce girls to the opportunities and exciting aspects of medical research at an early stage.

More information here.

Photos: © BIH