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In order to give women in science more visibility, the Berlin Institute of Health at the Charité, together with citizens, has created or further developed extensive Wikipedia entries on Berlin women scientists of the past and present. On this basis, an exemplary exhibition has been created. It gives deserved recognition to women who, as pioneers in their field, paved the way for future female scientists, and provides examples of the work of outstanding female researchers of the present day.

From Theda Borde, the social physician who headed the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin as its rector, to the chemist Emmanuelle Charpentier, who received the Nobel Prize for her gene scissors CrisprCas 2020, Cécile Vogt, who was nominated 13 times for the Nobel Prize as a brain researcher but never received it, to the sociologist and politician Marlis Dürkop-Leptihn, who was elected the first female president of Humboldt University after 118 male predecessors, visitors will get to know extraordinary representatives of their respective fields who all spent at least parts of their academic lives in Berlin.

The exhibition will be on display in the Rotes Rathaus from 20 October to 20 December 2021 and is open every weekday from 10:00 to 18:00 with free admission. Afterwards, it will be on display as a travelling exhibition at various locations in Berlin and as an online version on the BIH website www.bihealth.org.

More info about the project

Article on the project:

As well as a photo gallery from the exhibition opening

Listen to the radio report by rbbKultur